Part II |
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Top 10 These 324 Bach compositions are all in my top 10 most beautiful and interesting pieces ever. Bach
owned a lute harpsichord that could fool a professional player with its
sound to pass for a lute. He bought a new improved instrument every
decade and also sometimes did so on commission, critically following
construction and delivery. The question of what he played on it and how
the instrument was tuned is hardly addressed in secondary Bach
literature. A thesis could be: anything he was involved with at the time. His themes have deep roots in the Style brisé, created
by lute players because of the dying sound after the strings are
plucked. In the Broken Style the progression of the melody is mainly
suggested instead of expressed. This
characteristic of Bach's music explains why it appears so idiomatic in
the setting for two guitars: a guitarist experiences Bach understands
the guitar. A great way to improve your guitar playing is to play together. It is one of the nicest and most enchanting things you can do as a musician. A steady beat, necessary and conditional in playing together, improves clarity, phrasing and periodization and it helps to connect, resolving broken bonds.
"We loved each other very well, dear Willie, but now, for reasons we cannot understand, that bond has been broken. But our bond can never be broken. As long as I live, you will always be with me, child."
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Index part II
Variatio 29 BWV 988 Die Goldberg-Variationen Invention 2 BWV 773 Inventionen Aria BWV 248 Fallt mit Danken Präludium 22 BWV 867 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I Chor BWV 6 Bleib bei uns Sonolize audio Air BWV Anhang 131 Johan Christian Bach Fantasia BWV 718 Aria BWV 201 Ihr wirbelnden Winde
Aria BWV 199 Mein Herz ist itzt ein Tränenbrunn Choral JCB Warum betrübst du dich Aria BWV 244 Können Tränen meiner wangen nichts erlangen Krebskanon BWV 1079 Das Musikalische Opfer Aria BWV 15 Ihr klaget mit Seufzen Johann Ludwig Bach Sonolize audio
Kanon a 1 BWV 988 Die Goldberg-Variationen Aria BWV 21 Bäche von gesalznen Zähren Kanon a 2 BWV 1079 Das Musikalische Opfer Aria BWV 21 Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not SoundCloud audio Ciaccona BWV 150 Meine Tage in dem Leide Passacaglia
BWV Anhang
182 Christian Friedrich Witt Adagiosissimo
BWV 992
Capriccio Passacaglia
BWV 232
Crucifixus Variatione 22 BWV 988 Die Goldberg-Variationen Chor BWV 78 Meine Seele Sonolize audio Chaconne BWV 245 Ach, mein Sinn SoundCloud audio Passacaglia BWV 582 Fuge BWV 582 Ouverture
BWV 831 Ouverture
nach Französischer Art Sonolize audio Präludium 7 BWV 876 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier II Fantasia BWV 542 Fuge BWV 542 Choral BWV 727 Herzlich tut mich verlangen Präludium BWV Anhang 177 Johann Cristoph Bach Fuge BWV Anhang 177 Johann Cristoph Bach Polonaise
BWV Anhang 123
Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach Aria BWV 201 Mit Verlangen Präludium 24 BWV 893 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier II Gigue BWV 827 Partita III Aria BWV 11 Ach, bleibe doch Sonatine BWV 106 Actus
Tragicus Sonolize audio Choral BWV 619 Du Lamm Chorus BWV 245 Wir dürfen niemand töten Aria Welt, gute Nacht! Johann Cristoph Bach Polonaise BWV Anhang 125 Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach Choral BWV 668 Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit Präludium 24 BWV 869 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I Gigue
16 BWV 990 Sarabande
con partite Inventione 15 BWV 786 Inventionen Präludium
6 BWV 938 6
Kleine Präludien Gigue
BWV 817 Franse
Suite 6 Sinfonie 15
801 Sinfonien Duetto BWV 805 Fuge 24 BWV 869 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I Sonolize audio Recitativ BWV 245 Und neiget das Haupt und verscheid