Part VI |
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Man "The man bent, lifted the tiny form from the box, and, with surprising grace for one so ill-made, sat all at once on the floor, gathering it into his lap." Abraham Lincoln cradling his son's body. It is the genesis of Lincoln in the Bardot, and a familiar gesture of guitarists embracing their instrument. These transcriptions are made during the corona pandemic in which a hug can be deadly. In the beginning was the word, but these transcriptions are wordless. With one exception: Bach's one note sketch for an aria BWV 149 with the word Man. Man: a lonely note and a single human. But in the German language Man means people. Bach later worked out the one note sketch to a complete aria, beginning with the words Man singet mit Freuden: people sing with joy. We are not alone, we have each other, we can lovely sing with joy. "You were a joy, he said. Please know that. Know that you were a joy. To us. Every minute, every season, you were a - you did a good job. A good job of being a pleasure to know." |
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Index part VI
Aria BWV 71 Die Seele deiner Turteltauben Sonolize audio Siciliano BWV 1031 Sonate für Flöte und obligates Cembalo Aria BWV 181 Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister SoundCloud Audio Gekritzel BWV 120a P 670 Foliant 4 verso Federtest Recitativ BWV 27 Flügel her! Recitativ BWV 244 Am Abend kam die Taube wieder Choral BWV 14 Wie
ein Vogel Aria BWV 37 Flügel Lied BWV 501 Gute Nacht
Fragment BWV 598 Pedal Exercitium Recitativ BWV 62 Mit Freudigkeit zu laufen Choral BWV 183 Du bist ein Geist Lied BWV 458 Es ist vollbracht Präludium BWV 659 Toccata BWV 830 Partita VI Sonolize audio Präludium BWV 934 Choral BWV 282 Mein Leben Adagio BWV 1017 Sonate IV für Violine und Cembalo Choral BWV 377 In deine Händ ist Alles gut Choral BWV 390 In seinen Schoß Choral BWV 402 Seins Vaters Schoß Choral BWV 172 In dein’ Arme Choral BWV 12 In seinen Armen Choral BWV 244 In meinen Arm und Schoß Youtube Aria BWV 82 Auf meine begierigen Arme genommen Sonolize audio Choral BWV 247 In meinen Arm und Schoß
Kyrie BWV Anhang 29 Versus I BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Sonolize audio Versus II BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus III BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus IV BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus V BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus VI BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus VII BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus IX BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus X BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus XI BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus XII BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Sonolize audio Versus XIII BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Versus XIV BWV 1083 Stabat Vater Gloria BWV Anhang 29 Fuge 16 BWV 861 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I
Echo BWV 821 Kanon BWV 163 Jedem das Seine Choral BWV 412 Gute Nacht Aria BWV 159 Es ist vollbracht SoundCloud Audio Recitativ BWV 36a Wiewohl das ist noch nicht genung Recitativ BWV 145 Ich habe nun Genug Choral BWV 60 Es ist Genung Aria BWV 245 Es ist vollbracht Sonolize audio |